- scan0153-orig
1958? - Thornton stocks, Lancashire - Malcolm, Jean, and Wendy - scan0077-orig
Muriel Kirk - scan0899
"Hull" "Easter 1924" - Sailors 1
Sailors - one of them is probably John Hilton Casson, but which? (lower right?) - casson brothers
Three Casson brothers - George, William, and Alfred? (from Elaine Swift in Australia) - 1981-08 John S Orrison. Orrison
- scan0094
Grandad Orrison with his dogs and his mink farm - Jack Orrison North Platte, Neb. 1942
Jack Orrison at North Platte, Neb. 1942 - scan0097
Taken at North Platte, Nebraska. Four Brtiish Sailors bound for San Francisco then parts unknown.