- 81-51s
"Sept 27 1968 Our Lake" (Clearwater Lake) - scan0257-orig
"Louise holding baby John last year, 5 months old - taken outside the folks' house" - scan0282
"Dad, Grandma, Grace and Baby John William 2 months old" - scan0993
Joyce and John with David and George Mayer - scan0011
- scan0221-orig
"Love from Stella & Clarence 1/11/50" - scan0380
"John Orrison age 13 years 5 months 1909 - A Merry Christmas and happy new year to you both - John Orrison" (?) (Photographer A S Hellebo, Janesville, MN) - scan1039
- 20-13
Dad's old workshop / outhouse (middle building of scan0274.jpg) - scan0833
- John Israel Orrison-1
John Israel Orrison - scan0011
- scan0153-orig
1958? - Thornton stocks, Lancashire - Malcolm, Jean, and Wendy - lyn186
"our country place, our car, and our two chldren roasting marshmallows on an open fire daddy made" [June 1958] - Scafells and Great Gable at sunset
Scafells and Great Gable at sunset