- scan1016
- scan1039
- scan1037
"6 - 23 - 30 - 46" (???) - scan0620
"Our first pig - 1946 - Mom & Dad's home on Clearwater Lake" - scan1040
"Lulu" (license plate says Illinois 1946) - scan1055
"John Orrison" - scan0209-orig
Corrin -- Casson - scan0448-orig
"Glenys - May 1947" - scan0965
Grace Orrison with three fish - 1946-07 John and Normas Wedding
John and Norma's Wedding - Sep 1947 - scan0631
"1948 - Grace on Clearwater Lake" - scan0638
"Johnny's first home - 40 acres on Clearwater Lake - House looks strange but very pretty and cosy inside" - scan0282
"Dad, Grandma, Grace and Baby John William 2 months old" - scan0257-orig
"Louise holding baby John last year, 5 months old - taken outside the folks' house" - scan0765
"Grace & John and Baby John William, 1st Christmas 1948"