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Langdale Pikes from Brockhole

LangdalePikesFromBrockhole.jpg 2016-08-16 20.52.02ThumbnailsGreat Gable from Seathwaite Fell2016-08-16 20.52.02ThumbnailsGreat Gable from Seathwaite Fell2016-08-16 20.52.02ThumbnailsGreat Gable from Seathwaite Fell2016-08-16 20.52.02ThumbnailsGreat Gable from Seathwaite Fell2016-08-16 20.52.02ThumbnailsGreat Gable from Seathwaite Fell2016-08-16 20.52.02ThumbnailsGreat Gable from Seathwaite Fell2016-08-16 20.52.02ThumbnailsGreat Gable from Seathwaite Fell

Langdale Pikes from Brockhole