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scan0876.jpg "Mavis Newton, Me and Mrs Mac also Linda the wire haired Terrier she is expecting puppies any day now"Thumbnails"Grandma Dickey / Mom / May 1948""Mavis Newton, Me and Mrs Mac also Linda the wire haired Terrier she is expecting puppies any day now"Thumbnails"Grandma Dickey / Mom / May 1948""Mavis Newton, Me and Mrs Mac also Linda the wire haired Terrier she is expecting puppies any day now"Thumbnails"Grandma Dickey / Mom / May 1948""Mavis Newton, Me and Mrs Mac also Linda the wire haired Terrier she is expecting puppies any day now"Thumbnails"Grandma Dickey / Mom / May 1948""Mavis Newton, Me and Mrs Mac also Linda the wire haired Terrier she is expecting puppies any day now"Thumbnails"Grandma Dickey / Mom / May 1948""Mavis Newton, Me and Mrs Mac also Linda the wire haired Terrier she is expecting puppies any day now"Thumbnails"Grandma Dickey / Mom / May 1948""Mavis Newton, Me and Mrs Mac also Linda the wire haired Terrier she is expecting puppies any day now"Thumbnails"Grandma Dickey / Mom / May 1948"