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scan0872.jpg "Greetings from our house to your house / Marmac Camps / The McAlisters" (Bluewater Lake, near Grand Rapids, MN?)Thumbnailsscan0873"Greetings from our house to your house / Marmac Camps / The McAlisters" (Bluewater Lake, near Grand Rapids, MN?)Thumbnailsscan0873"Greetings from our house to your house / Marmac Camps / The McAlisters" (Bluewater Lake, near Grand Rapids, MN?)Thumbnailsscan0873"Greetings from our house to your house / Marmac Camps / The McAlisters" (Bluewater Lake, near Grand Rapids, MN?)Thumbnailsscan0873"Greetings from our house to your house / Marmac Camps / The McAlisters" (Bluewater Lake, near Grand Rapids, MN?)Thumbnailsscan0873"Greetings from our house to your house / Marmac Camps / The McAlisters" (Bluewater Lake, near Grand Rapids, MN?)Thumbnailsscan0873