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scan0864.jpg scan0863ThumbnailsScafells and Great Gable at sunsetscan0863ThumbnailsScafells and Great Gable at sunsetscan0863ThumbnailsScafells and Great Gable at sunsetscan0863ThumbnailsScafells and Great Gable at sunsetscan0863ThumbnailsScafells and Great Gable at sunsetscan0863ThumbnailsScafells and Great Gable at sunsetscan0863ThumbnailsScafells and Great Gable at sunset

1 comment

  • Rachel White - Tuesday 22 October 2013 06:47
    This is Gertrude Evelyn (Heath) Kooiman and Calvert Enos Heath Jr. Their mother was Lillian Eva (Tyler) Heath, sister to Henry Tyler.