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"Mrs H M Tyler, Morris, Minn. Dear Sis, Just a few lines to let you know that we are going to Morris. We sure had a good time at Glenwood this week. I took some pictures of the fish we caught." To: "Mrs Jack Orrison, 901 Oakdale Ave, St. Paul, Minn"

scan0849a.jpg "Scenic Park - W. A. Bonwell '50"Thumbnails"Mavis Newton, Me and Mrs Mac also Linda the wire haired Terrier she is expecting puppies any day now""Scenic Park - W. A. Bonwell '50"Thumbnails"Mavis Newton, Me and Mrs Mac also Linda the wire haired Terrier she is expecting puppies any day now""Scenic Park - W. A. Bonwell '50"Thumbnails"Mavis Newton, Me and Mrs Mac also Linda the wire haired Terrier she is expecting puppies any day now""Scenic Park - W. A. Bonwell '50"Thumbnails"Mavis Newton, Me and Mrs Mac also Linda the wire haired Terrier she is expecting puppies any day now""Scenic Park - W. A. Bonwell '50"Thumbnails"Mavis Newton, Me and Mrs Mac also Linda the wire haired Terrier she is expecting puppies any day now""Scenic Park - W. A. Bonwell '50"Thumbnails"Mavis Newton, Me and Mrs Mac also Linda the wire haired Terrier she is expecting puppies any day now"

"Mrs H M Tyler, Morris, Minn. Dear Sis, Just a few lines to let you know that we are going to Morris. We sure had a good time at Glenwood this week. I took some pictures of the fish we caught." To: "Mrs Jack Orrison, 901 Oakdale Ave, St. Paul, Minn"