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"Love to Hank & Betty, from 6 bros & sisters. July 1949. Ed, Leo, Vet & Susie, Margaret, Louise, & Eva"

scan0840.jpg scan1075Thumbnails"Thoroughfare - W. A. Bonwell '49"scan1075Thumbnails"Thoroughfare - W. A. Bonwell '49"scan1075Thumbnails"Thoroughfare - W. A. Bonwell '49"scan1075Thumbnails"Thoroughfare - W. A. Bonwell '49"scan1075Thumbnails"Thoroughfare - W. A. Bonwell '49"scan1075Thumbnails"Thoroughfare - W. A. Bonwell '49"

"Love to Hank & Betty, from 6 bros & sisters. July 1949. Ed, Leo, Vet & Susie, Margaret, Louise, & Eva"