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1945-08-11 John and Graces Wedding

1945-08-11_John_and_Graces_Wedding.jpg 1946-07 John and Normas WeddingThumbnailsscan00131946-07 John and Normas WeddingThumbnailsscan00131946-07 John and Normas WeddingThumbnailsscan00131946-07 John and Normas WeddingThumbnailsscan00131946-07 John and Normas WeddingThumbnailsscan00131946-07 John and Normas WeddingThumbnailsscan00131946-07 John and Normas WeddingThumbnailsscan0013

Grace and John's Wedding - 11 Aug 1945 (Muriel's bow edited out above Dad's left shoulder)