- 1981-08 John S Orrison. Orrison
- scan0049-orig
Grandma Orrison and her kids ("Photo was taken July 1972 when mom, the girls and I came out for a visit. Thanks again for the memories." Micki Dougherty) - jb0005-orig
"Joyce and Randy 1966" - jb0038-orig
"about 1965 - Nannie & Joyce" - scan0326
[July 1959] - scan0149
"January 1952; 50 below zero, they still play outside in the snow" - scan0264
"Grace & Johnny 2 years old - Clearwater lake - John's first home" - scan0765
"Grace & John and Baby John William, 1st Christmas 1948" - scan0257-orig
"Louise holding baby John last year, 5 months old - taken outside the folks' house" - scan0282
"Dad, Grandma, Grace and Baby John William 2 months old" - scan0631
"1948 - Grace on Clearwater Lake" - scan0965
Grace Orrison with three fish - scan0274
"our house taken from the lake Clearwater" (house on left, outhouse and toolshed in middle, icehouse was behind the toolshed, a barn on the right - mom fed deer on the porch. red house was built to the left and closer to the lake) - 1945-08-11 John and Graces Wedding
Grace and John's Wedding - 11 Aug 1945 (Muriel's bow edited out above Dad's left shoulder) - scan0013
Grace and John's Wedding - 11 Aug 1945