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scan0832.jpg "Mavis Newton, Me and Mrs Mac also Linda the wire haired Terrier she is expecting puppies any day now"ThumbnailsWilliam and Louise Dreeke"Mavis Newton, Me and Mrs Mac also Linda the wire haired Terrier she is expecting puppies any day now"ThumbnailsWilliam and Louise Dreeke"Mavis Newton, Me and Mrs Mac also Linda the wire haired Terrier she is expecting puppies any day now"ThumbnailsWilliam and Louise Dreeke"Mavis Newton, Me and Mrs Mac also Linda the wire haired Terrier she is expecting puppies any day now"ThumbnailsWilliam and Louise Dreeke"Mavis Newton, Me and Mrs Mac also Linda the wire haired Terrier she is expecting puppies any day now"ThumbnailsWilliam and Louise Dreeke"Mavis Newton, Me and Mrs Mac also Linda the wire haired Terrier she is expecting puppies any day now"ThumbnailsWilliam and Louise Dreeke"Mavis Newton, Me and Mrs Mac also Linda the wire haired Terrier she is expecting puppies any day now"ThumbnailsWilliam and Louise Dreeke

1 comment

  • Alex Beach - Sunday 26 August 2018 14:25
    Hello! I think that this might be Lillie Emilie Dreeke's mother -- looking at pictures of Elizabeth and William together, it almost looks to be the same hair/clothes collar as the one where they're a bit younger, as well as the same company for the pictures (Fawcett in Winona, MN?).